Katja Schneider
is professor of dance studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK) in Frankfurt. She received her doctorate in 1996 in Modern German Literature with an interdisciplinary thesis on the playwright Johann Christian Krüger and habilitated in 2013 with the paper “Tanz und Text. Figurationen von Sprache und Bewegung” (Munich 2016) at the Institute for Theatre Studies at the University of Munich, where she was also a research assistant. Between 1992 and 2012, she wrote as a critic for dance and performance for the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and reported for Deutschlandfunk, among others. As an editor, she worked for the specialised magazines “tanzdrama”, “tanzjournal” and “tanz” (1992-2012). As a dramaturge, she works for the Munich festival DANCE. She is a founding member of the internet dance platform tanznetz.de as well as the Fokus Tanz /Tanz und Schule association and the Access to Dance funding programme.